About Noelle

I like to describe my work as abstract pointilism. While my techniques & tools may differ from those Pointillism Masters, it is with those elders that I feel a great alignment. Most of my current work involves the upcycling/recycling of objects- I’m a sucker for a great thrift store. I love seeing an object & imagining what new life I can breathe into it by adding just a little paint.

I was born & raised in the Bay Area & feel so blessed to be able to call The Coastside my home for the last 19 years. My love of this area and the ocean began on trips to Fitzgerald Preserve as a child and continued throughout my college years at UCSC where I earned my degrees in Biology.    I’ve had many jobs over the years. From lab analyst to project manager to personal assistant to animal keeper, none of these exactly prepared me to become an artist.

My first real art class was an art history course my Freshman year of college. I loved exploring the museums in San Francisco as part of the curriculum as well as learning about the old masters. While my love of museums began at that time, the opportunity to actually create my own art wouldn’t come until much later. As a mom, I was able to participate in my children’s Art in Action lessons as a docent. Creating examples of the lessons for the students forced me to confront my insecurities regarding creating art. It also allowed me to remind myself that everyone is an artist in their own way and the only real person who needs to like your art is you.  

When I began to contemplate a return to the outside workforce, the scientist in me began by taking several classes at my community college including a career exploration class. Now if I had only read those evaluation tests a little more thoroughly…. I went back to my roots in science and was able to finally gain an acceptance into a distance learning program in Dietetics when the Universe threw me a curveball. After some personal challenges that forced a suspension of my carefully laid plans, the Universe nudged me again. A chance video in my YouTube feed introduced me to my current art form & life has been much messier & much fuller as a result. Oh, and that evaluation test result… the one that listed possible careers… the number one profession, ahead of all of my scientific career choices…craft artist. 😊